
Knights Templar, Shakespeare, and Treasures

I've been fascinated by stories of the Knights Templar, how they began taking deposits from pilgrims. For instance, a pilgrim from England wanted to journey to the Holy Land, but the roads were perilous, and all sorts of interesting things could happen on the way to the Holy Land. Bandits, battles, or a thief in a tavern could empty one's pockets. So the Knights Templar came up with a clever yet simple way for pilgrims to deposit their money and travel across many seas and lands.

It's said that banking began this way; a traveler entrusted their wealth to the local branch of the Knights Templar and received a note in return. This note could be exchanged for the corresponding number of gold coins at another house of a knightly order. It's said that this system evolved into modern banking, although the initial systems of lending were developed in Mesopotamia or even earlier.

For example, there are inscriptions on Babylonian King Hammurabi's clay tablets indicating the banking system of that time. Gold could be deposited at a ratio of 1:60. Interest payments on loans from agricultural produce had been developed to repay loans, and all sorts of deposit-loan transactions involved notarial intervention.

An extensive trading system certainly requires organized economics, stability, and a certain societal stability for wealth to begin accumulating.

Returning to the Knights Templar, it's interesting to note their associations with various conspiracies, guilds of master craftsmen, and great enrichment.

One could argue that the Knights Templar were one of the first capital-based global organizations, capable of utilizing their assets across thousands of kilometers. But what intrigues me is what they did with their assets. Philip IV, also known as Philip the Fair, wanted to know exactly that. After the arrest of the leaders of the Knights Templar, it was revealed that the knights were aware of the impending arrest, yet all leaders surrendered without a fight and allowed themselves to be executed.

But before the confiscation of assets, the knights had managed to hide most of their wealth and made agreements with subsidiary orders, into which their members had infiltrated. Thus, the Knights Templar had long been aware of what was to happen to them, and they had established structures in various countries in Europe to preserve their legacy. It's interesting to note that the issue was not their enormous wealth, but where they directed their wealth. The knights owned vast estates, insurance companies, manors, and townhouses in every country.

Perhaps the Knights Templar were preparing the Philosopher's Stone, found ancient relics, or were guarding some knowledge that is still desired to be kept hidden. Perhaps they knew something about the connection between humanity and the universe, about how everything is alive.

Likely, the Rosicrucians evolved from the Knights Templar, and Shakespeare was said to be one of the forgotten proclaimers of ancient truths, trying to instill moral consciousness in the people of his time through his texts.

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